"Well done is better than well said."
-Ben Franklin-

Change Management

What is Change Management?


AC takes a very practical, action based view of change management and we see it as a combination of insights, understandings, tools and processes that we bring to organizational leaders and senior managers.

We do this to help them achieve their strategic objectives and realize the personal and organizational benefits of these objectives, and all in the context of major change.

"We do not sell change management - we sell the benefits of what change management delivers!"


Conglomerates or MNCs, with an HQ or significant presence in Asia Pacific, with subsidiary operations, companies or divisions elsewhere in the region or worldwide who have one or more of the following operating contexts:

  • Experience changes brought about by changes in strategic directions, external market, political, regulatory and/or financial influences
  • Constrained by log-jams brought about by a combination of culture and third party factors
  • Stuck between their strategic vision and a successful programme implementation
  • Anticipate or experience the impact of a major change in structure, process, culture or leadership arenas with resistance to change impacting the transformation

Business Requirement

Delivery and implementation of a strategy to increase stakeholder/shareholder value via a 1 -3 year programme that could include any or all of the following:

  • Implementing culture change within core operations or companies
  • Becoming customer focused via implanting appropriate functional disciplines and management to support this
  • Introducing and implementing ICT technologies
  • Aligning and managing third party relationships critical to achievement of strategic objectives such as supply chain or service providers or contractors on major programmes
  • Acquiring targeted companies and assets, and/or disposal of non-core companies and assets aligned to strategic objectives

The Partner Stakeholder

Chairman/CEO/MD/Director/Programme Director


The first step is to meet with you to achieve a shared understanding of these essential points:

  • The organisational need for the change
  • The specifics of what will change
  • The benefits of the change
  • The impacts of the change

The first action point is any or all of the following:

  • Diagnosis - of root cause issues
  • Development - via executive support, mentoring or training
  • Delivery - to ensure that you realise the business benefit?


For diagnosis, development and delivery, the practical action point is the appropriate selection of any or all of the following action steps:

(1) Preliminary Diagnosis and Analysis - Discovering Root Cause Issues, Recovery Options and Solutions

For senior executives who are:

  • Leading, managing or being impacted by change
  • Anticipating or experiencing the impact of a major change and areas of resistance
  • Stuck between their strategic vision and a successful programme implementation
  • Experiencing log-jams
  • Seeking diagnosis of root cause issues and recovery options
  • Requiring a health check and review of current programs and initiatives

Download full details in PDF format via the link below:

Preliminary Diagnosis and Analysis

(2) Development - Briefing for Organizational Leaders

"Conversations on Change - A Practitioners Masterclass"

A half-day event for senior executives presenting insights and practical guidance on the following themes:

  • The Change Landscape
  • 7 Recurring Themes of Organizational Change Leadership Failure
  • What is Our Role In All This?
  • Case Studies From The Frontline
  • How Organizational Leaders Successfully Address The Human Dynamics Of Change

Download full details in PDF format via the link below:

Practitioners Masterclass Seminar For Organizational Leaders

(3) Development - Training for Senior Managers

"Change Management Training - A Practitioners Masterclass"

A 3 or 5 day training for managers and executives focusing on change leadership and management, and processes that directly address the human aspects of change:

A holistic view of the key areas that need to be addressed for a successful change initiative – and shows you how to put all this into practice.

Based entirely on proven existing material, supported by our own original material that "plug the gaps" in existing models and approaches.

Addresses the theory and the practice of change management - in a style and format that integrates easily within the disciplines of project and program management.

Download full details in PDF format via the link below:

Change Management Training - The Practitioners Masterclass Series


In summary, our relationship with our clients is best described as that of "Trusted Advisor and Deliverer", it is a relationship where we are seen as a resource who understands the "people issues", looks after our client's interests and helps them get results.

"We help you lead your people through change, put it all together and manage the whole messy business!"

We look forward to working with you!