"BE BOLD. Get in the game. JUMP IN and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Set your goal high, and then commit to reaching them through your actions. It won't be EASY. It will be GREAT."
-Ralph Marston-

About Us

Antony Consulting Pte Ltd (AC) is a practice-based, regional Management Consulting Company focused on partnering organizations in creating sustainable change. In short, Achieving Value, Creating Opportunities for clients is our motto.

We deliver tangible results for local and global clients in a long-term partnership approach by providing change management services in the areas of Strategy, Leadership and Human Performance Management.

As today's challenges are complex, organizations have to continuously expand their capacity to create their future. Therefore, an organization needs to change and challenge mental models at the Management Team level as well as throughout the organization to emerge as true winners and learners.

"Actionable knowledge" and "sustained capacity for change" become major success ingredients for organizations - that's where we support.